It’s been about a year since I started following the slow-carb diet in Tim Ferriss’ The 4-Hour Body. Although I haven’t supplemented the diet with the drugs, workouts, or ice baths, that Ferriss talks about in the book, I’ve been diligent about the foods to avoid, and I’ve seen results: 20 lbs over a year,…
Category: Weight Loss
Strange Side Effects of the Slow Carb, 4-Hour Body Diet
So, I’ve been doing this thing, this program, this diet, this idea, this whatever for a month and some change. Over the course of that time, I’ve lost 13 pounds, and including the ten weeks I was just adding protein shakes in the morning, I’ve lost 18 pounds. That’s great. That’s what I was hoping…
Peanut Butter in the Fridge: How I Lost 10 lbs Last Month Without Exercise
*Begin Troy McClure Voice* Hi, I’m Backpacking Dad. You may remember me from such Twitter rants as “We Are Yelling About Soap!”, “We Are Yelling About Ham!”, and “People Who Keep Peanut Butter in the Fridge Are the Devil!” *End Troy McClure Voice* I spent my late 20’s putting on weight. I topped out, I…