Homelessness is a problem.
Domestic violence is a problem.
Childhood obesity is a problem.
Terrorism is a problem.
Soccer is a problem.
Global warming is a problem.
Frivolous law suits are a problem.
Uncritical thinking is a problem.
Cancer is a problem.
Rob Zombie making a trite sequel to his brilliant version of “Halloween” is a problem.
Poverty is a problem.
Intelligent Design is a problem.
YouTube videos of teens fighting each other is a problem.
Smugness is a problem.
Monarchs are a problem.
Trans fats are a problem.
The Pittsburgh Penguins are a problem.
Autism is a problem.
The Twilight thing is a problem.
Alcoholism is a problem.
Overpopulation is a problem.
Divorce is a problem.
Whatever happened to all the bees is a problem.
Aliens are a problem.
Child abduction is a problem.
Higher taxes are not a problem. Get your head out of your ass.