4 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: Erin and Adrian Go to Mount Tamalpais and Then Hike Down to Stinson Beach and Then Back Up and Erin Doesn’t Stop Talking For the Entire 7.3 Mile Trip Even on the Ascent After Lunch That Involves Climbing Switchbacks in the Woods For Basically an Hour and a Half Until Things Level Out a Little and the Morning Descent Down an Infinite Staircase with a Baby on My Back Seems Like a Past Life.”
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three-year-olds have an awful lot to say. and so. many. questions.
It's like they don't understand that there's only so much hearing a human
ear can do before it withers.
Wow for wordless you sure do say alot! Has anyone told you how funny you are? Thanks for the laughs. In the pictures though it looks like she was quiet a couple times for those adorable smiles and some drinking of water. I think I need to jump over to Motherhood Uncensored and tell her you stole the ear plug things she's looking for so that you can block out the three year old chatter. 8-)
She was muttering.