Erin and I went to the park today. She played on the grass; I played on the grass. She crawled around in woodchips; I crawled around in woodchips. She swung on a swing; I swung on a swing. It was fun, but a little tiring. When we came home I put her down to crawl…
Author: Backpacking Dad
Backpacking Dad Tries Poetry
Over at At Home Dad, a dad safe zone, some of us wrote some poems for our kids. If you happen to visit the site and find the poem thread, please don’t burn any of us. It’s a pretty personal site for some of us, and that thread in particular took some guts to post…
Backpacking Dad’s Ironic Movie Rant
Warning: Movie Karma and rant to follow. Erin and I see a lot of movies. I’m a movie addict, and she’s so easy to bring that we have seen just about everything. We go so often that I’m thinking about adding a new feature to the site: “Erin’s Movie Reviews” that will rate movies based…