Dear Backpacking Dad, “What is the best mobile food for a backpacking baby?” Well, I’m glad you asked, imaginary interlocutor. It’s mini-bagels. They don’t fall apart all over me, as bread does; they don’t smear, as cheese does; and they can be torn into fist sized pieces that keep your solid-chewing, masticating, Big Girl occupied,…
Author: Backpacking Dad
Now I have to chop my arm off
I’ve been home with Erin since the end of September, which I believe means that I’ve been doing this for (quick use of Windows Calculator) 6 months now, less about a week. I haul her around everywhere, usually on my back. I toss her up in the air in a way that would scare the…
The Noisy Toy Prerogative
We celebrated Erin’s first Christmas in December. To make it special we spent our holiday visiting her grandparents and her aunts. We expected that she would be loaded down with toys; so many, in fact, that we avoided buying her any ourselves. We were not disappointed. And in full accord with the rule that says…