So, you know how your little vaccum cleaner, I mean child will cruise around the house picking microscopic bits of stuff up off the floor and eating it? Well, today I was in the kitchen at the pull out cutting board dicing a jalepeno… Ok, so no pieces fell to the floor to be sucked…
Author: Backpacking Dad
If all the moms jumped off the playground swing, would you?
Apparently I would. Many of the bloggers I’ve started reading (Motherbumper, Mom to the Screaming Masses and Sarah and the Goon Squad, among others) have posted raw, morning pictures of themselves. I’m not entirely clear on the purpose, but the dad-activist in me can’t let this opportunity to be in on the game pass. Dads…
Happy St. Patrick’s Day
My father is Irish-Canadian. As he gets older he gets even more Irish and even more Canadian, and I see the same tendencies in myself. In the summer of 2006 we went to Ireland together for a week, just me and him. It was a pretty special trip, and I want to go again in…