Hi, my name is Shawn, and I used to blog here. Ones of people from all over the world would come to this site to read what I’d written! Here’s what I’ve been up to today: I woke up. Then I woke up the rest of the family. We’re in Kingston, Ontario for a bit…
Now You Are Ten
To Erin, A Most Wonderful Daughter and Big Sister Erin, you have spent your first ten years showing your family, and the world, that if you run headlong at life’s boundaries, sometimes the boundaries leap out of the way. Your daring is inspiring. Erin, you have spent your first ten years showing your family, and…
At The Hundred-Twenty-First Meridian
When we left the Silicon Valley for Sacramento on Friday night, I felt a cold sore forming on my bottom lip. I’ve been getting them my whole life, and I know what happens when I don’t pay attention and put some ointment on it: my lip erupts into a painful, grotesque mockery of healthy skin….