A broad statement of the general problem of your kids annoying me opens the paragraph. A remark making the problem stand out as a problem for others follows the first sentence. An account of several options for dealing with the problem concludes with one option being selected as premiere. A thesis statement announcing the author’s selection of this option begins a sentence that ends with three general reasons why the thesis is superior. Finally, the author provides a sentence explaining the method for the process to follow.
Part the First:
This part specifies the problem of your kids annoying me with various examples. It is a narrow examination of the problem, looking at it from a personal perspective. It also offers a preliminary case for accepting the author’s solution to the problem.
Part the Second:
This part examines the problem of your kids annoying me in a broader view, attempting to make the reader see that the problem of your kids annoying me is a problem for more than just me. It again offers the author’s solution to the problem of your kids annoying me, this time focusing on the broader view (implications for people other than me) rather than the narrow view.
Part the Third:
This part compares the author’s solution to the alternative solutions noted in the introduction. It argues that the other solutions fail to solve the problem of your kids annoying me on the narrow view, on the broad view, or both. This part also notes possible objections to the author’s analysis of the problem of your kids annoying me and argues that they have limited purchase.
A restatement of the problem of your kids annoying me opens the paragraph. Then follows an explanation of what it would have taken for another solution to the problem of your kids annoying me to be the superior one, and concludes that failing such a situation the author’s solution is superior. The last sentence offers a topic for another essay, answering a question raised but not fully answered in the author’s current essay.
Ok, I know I'm having a bad day that is coming just shy of a total and complete meltdown. I know my computer is one of the biggest sources of that meltdown, and maybe I've already gone and lost my ever loving mind, but all I see? Is numbers. Nothing else. So please tell me it's my computer, and not my mental state. Or maybe it is my mental state….. just send alcohol.
I will have them try harder.
I was looking forward to reading this list as I'm currently sitting in a kid-friendly coffee house without my own child. Love that the list is non-existent. None of these kids annoy me, maybe because they're not mine!