I came across a blog entry recently about photragenical pansimaring, and even though many other fine writers have taken on this topic I cannot withhold my opinion from the blogosphere about it. Photragenical pansimaring, you see, has affected my family deeply.
When I was a kid we owned a zingacklebarker. Well, really it was my father’s zingacklebarker, but everybody in the house used it. Little did we know, zingacklebarkers contain photragenical pansimaring. It was the 80’s, so long before the public started to grow aware of the unethical testing of photragenical pansimaring on animals. And it was well before the early boycott of the Nanbolwimha Corporation for their shady marketing of products containing photragenical pansimaring in Third World countries. It was before photragenical pansimaring was linked to the deaths of four political interns and the 1989 earthquake that interrupted the World Series. It was the 80’s. It was before everything.
One thing we’ve learned about photragenical pansimaring in recent years is that it’s in vaccines. It is also in arugula. Do your kids eat arugula? Mine do, and I just feel like one of the lucky ones, since my children have been spared the dreaded A-word: Algrinism. As we all know, Algrinism is the fastest growing medical condition for kids under the age of five in suburban middle-class households. There’s no evidence that there’s a link between photragenical pansimaring and Algrinism, but the increase in arugula consumption in white flight enclaves cannot be ruled out as the cause because, frankly, I’m not willing to believe anything scientists tell me. They can’t even get physics right. String theory? Honestly, now they’re just making stuff up.
Among the middle-aged, photragenical pansimaring is suspected of causing breast augmentation and testicular piercing. Again, there’s no real evidence of this, but I knew this one woman with a boob job who also had a zingacklebarker when she was young, and a dude with a Prince Charles in his scrotum who was vaccinated against the flu last year. Anecdotes indicate truth, y’all.
Probably the scariest thing photragenical pansimaring can do is cause hearing loss and reduced comprehension in old people. It is in denture adhesive, so that explains the rash of “Whazzat? Who der? Dagnabbit!” exclamations that can be easily overheard in any retirement community.
And finally, my personal story. We had the zingacklebarker when I was a kid, and even though I wasn’t supposed to I brought it with me when I went to college, hidden in my jacket. From college I brought it with me to San Jose, California. And once in California the photragenical pansimaring in the zingacklebarker leaked out all over the living room floor, sinking into the carpet. The same carpet my kids would crawl on before they could walk.
And now they’re ridiculous.
What? It must be the photragenical pansimaring. Because they sure as hell don’t get it from me.
I can't believe you had the zingacklebarker. I thought you were way younger.
I can’t believe you had the zingacklebarker. I thought you were way younger.
I think that maybe if parents would stop bingletingling their kids and boycott Widgetco, most instances of algrinism could be avoided.
I think that maybe if parents would stop bingletingling their kids and boycott Widgetco, most instances of algrinism could be avoided.
I blame the Presticologists! Ever since those dingbats voted Merman E. Collingsnrt into office, all of a sudden there is so much government maniacal flimflammery in our daily bread, it makes arugula looks like tofu shaped into J.I. Rodale's profile.
And don't get me started on So Called Scientists. Everyone's Aunt Jenny's chicken corn soup plus that story about that time that the thing happened to me contrary to Rubik's Theory Of Cubanism is data enough. Don't you know that anyone with an advanced research degree published in a peer-reviewed journal is working for the Presticologists? (*whispers* They pay them off in zingacklebarker stock)
I feel like I'm floating in some other dimension.
I feel like I’m floating in some other dimension.
I feel like I’m floating in some other dimension.
You poor deluded fool. You've completely bought into the corporate propaganda about photragenical pansimaring! Most people don't know it because Transcorp Conglomatoe, the makers of photragenical pansimaring, is also the sinister masterminds behind fluoridation. For over a thousands years, sodium fluoride was just another waste by product of goat farming – either that or the waste product of interstellar alien time travel – we're not sure exactly but the point is it's a dangerous waste product. They've bought off the entire dental hygiene community who push this waste product on to our children. This is the real cause Algrinism. Also it's not the arugula itself that is the problem, it's that the real victims of vaccinations are the arugula themselves. That's right, every single arugula plant is forcefully vaccinated by age two. These arugula plants are then fed to our children who receive toxic dosed of photragenical pansimaring. This is particularly damaging in Bay Area vegetarian families. SO GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT BUDDY AND STOP BEING A CORPORATE DUPE!!! That's right , three exclamation points and caps locks. That's how serious and angry I am!