Should you vaccinate your kids?
No. And here’s why:
You aren’t a doctor. I think for most people the sensible policy to have is to get a doctor to do it. Unless you are really really really really good with needles.
So, unless you are a doctor* or a junkie, I don’t think you should be vaccinating your kids.
I hope that settles things.
*Nurses too. I think nurses do a lot of vaccinations, so they’re probably good at it. You should ask one of them.
LOL such a smart aleck! (Not the "A" word that originally came to mind, it's a family show right?)
This makes too much sense. I don't understand what you are saying.
I'm going to be a nurse in 2 years. How about me? Can I do it? PLEASE? *eager face*
What about a vet? Should a vet vaccinate their kids?
Best thing I've read all day.
LMAO!!! Love this!
this literally made me laugh out loud.
As a parent who runs into this particular topic waaaaaaay too often, THANK YOU.
This is the best blog post I've read in awhile. And it's where the argument should end.
thank you for approaching this controversy with common sense. I agree.
Can I safely infer that you feel the same way about circumcision?
It takes an especially sexy blogger to issue such a bold statement.
That reminds me. I have to update that list.
Well, if I may:
I’m using the VACCIN8 app on my iPhone.
Ah, it’s a modern world.
Pharmacists vaccinate, too!
What? That’s insane!
2 words:
Small Pox
be thankful that you know it not.
One word: what?
Methinks someone didn’t get the joke.