Between the Mom 2.0 social media conference in New Orleans and Coachella, wherever the hell that is, I think all of my readers are out of town.
Actually, I doubt any of my readers are at Coachella. Maybe they are.
Nevertheless, my first sentence remains true. Here’s a simple logical rule: In an “either/or” statement, called a “disjunction”, only one part has to be true for the entire sentence to be true. Each part of a disjunction is called a “disjunct”. My first sentence is, expressed formally, an either/or statement, which would read: “Either Mom 2.0 is the reason all of my readers are out of town OR Coachella is the reason all of my readers are out of town.” Even if it’s the case that I have no readers who are at Coachella, the sentence is still true just in case the first disjunct is true.
So, I blame Coachella for how quiet it is here today, even if, strictly speaking, not even the first disjunct is true. HI THERE, DEAR READERS WHO ARE NOT IN NEW ORLEANS FOR A CONFERENCE!
Wouldn't your first statement really be more of a supposition? You don't really know if any of your readers are at either conference; you're putting forth a theory, both parts of which (that your readers are at Coachella and that they're at Mom2.0) could be wrong. Now, if you'd said, "Between the zombie hordes and the demon infestation, I think all of my readers are dead", that would be a statement of logic. Because there's no escaping the zombie hordes, and those demons are fucking out of control.
I'm so going to regret leaving this comment.
While it is a supposition, the FORM the supposition takes is disjunctive.
The statement isn't true, all by itself, but only in case on of the
disjuncts is true.
HI! I am bummed I did not get to go. Part of the "fun" of the single parenting gig. I wonder if any of them saw Nicolas Cage get arrested in the French Quarter last night?
My money's on one of them being involved. Probably Her Bad Mother. She's
I WISH I was there. Does that count?
Tell me about it! My whole blogroll migrated south. I blame Mom2.0 for an empty Google reader. And this during my unwell state. The only time I ever had to sit and read in the middle of the day.
Seems as though Blogher will bring much of the same, so I might as well book my ticket just in case.
Tell me about it! My whole blogroll migrated south. I blame Mom2.0 for an empty Google reader. And this during my unwell state. The only time I ever had to sit and read in the middle of the day.
Seems as though Blogher will bring much of the same, so I might as well book my ticket just in case.
Hi! I am also not in New Orleans. But I SHOULD be. I'm watching Back to the Future though. That's got to count for something.
I'm feeling all disjuncted.
I don't want to go to Mom 2.0 but I'd love to go to New Orleans. Still, I'm here. And finally catching up on my reading. The key is to have a bunch of unexpected stuff happen to you in the same week so that clearing your reader goes to the bottom of your priority list. Then when you can't do one more thing about the unexpected stuff, you have stuff to read.
(One of my unexpected things was a book called the Name of the Wind – by the same guy who wrote that really awesome spoof on the Goodtimes virus e-mail. Remember the virus that would melt your ice cream and erase your floppy disks, even if they were not in your computer?)
jealous. Wish I got to go to conferences… broke nerdy nurse with lack of sponsorship :(
Im a huge fan of all things backpack, specially backpacking dads.
For what it's worth, I don't know what Mom 2.0 or Coachella is. One sounds like a euphemism for "step-mother" and the other sounds like a really tough and mean sports coach.
Don't mind me. Just filling in as an extra until the real readers return. =)
He he he he.