Happy Father’s Day. Here’s a thing.
F is for “frmgldin…leave me alone, I’m sleeping.”
A is for “America.”
T is for “Tron: Legacy” because that’s totally about a father.
H is for “How did I get this old?”
E is for “Everybody out of the god damned bathroom.”
R is for “America.”
Shouldn't R be for "Rambo" or "Robocop" or "Return of the Jedi," any of which is probably airing on Spike right this very second because it's a holiday today, right?
Yeah, but all of those things just mean "America" anyway.
Awesomeness. I love it.
I find myself asking "How in the hell did I get this old, and still have kids that are this young?" quite often.
Happy Father's Day!
Such a poet
Whenever I see America, I think F*** yeah. Which. Okay. Because also, Father's Day, F*** yeah!
Hope you're having a good one.
Well, it's better than twitterpicin' yer nekkidness, I guess. You're gonna be fascinating when you get old and senile. E and A are lucky kids, to have you to show them the world. May you not grow up before they do. Happy Father's Day.