(This is a sponsored post for the LG Nitro™ HD smartphone. I like the phone, but you should know I’ve been compensated for my words http://cmp.ly/3/kqVumG)
I’m wandering around Disneyland, and the camera I happen to have with me is a phone. Normally, this would bum me out, since the phone I usually carry is a rhymes-with-ack-very, and while it’s fine as smartphones go, as a camera and video player it is…not the best. I usually bring a dedicated point-and-shoot camera with me to take pictures and record video, but now that I’m phasing the roomy Dad Jeans out of my wardrobe because of a fairly successful slimming-down regimen, I don’t have the cargo space for extra devices.
Enter the LG NitroTM HD (http://www.nitrobylg.com), a super-slim Android-powered 4G smartphone that has a crazy widescreen 16:9 aspect ratio true HD display, and a really nice camera capable of capturing full 1080pm HD photos and videos. I was very lucky to receive one from LG the day before we left for our trip, and I’ve been making good use of it.
I want to be able to carry one device that is worth using as a phone, still camera, and video camera. We go to Disneyland a lot, and I’m always trying to snap pictures that are worth keeping, worth printing, and worth sharing. I also want to be able to shoot good-looking video without dedicating a bag just to camera equipment. I never bring my expensive handicam with me on trips because of the bulk, and I’ve either missed capturing special moments on video, or settled for inferior video recordings. With the LG NitroTM HD I don’t have to settle now.
What makes the LG NitroTM HD display so amazing?
- Real RGB stripe pixels for amazingly accurate color
- 329 pixels per inch for sharper, crisper images
- 16:9 aspect ratio for widescreen entertainment
- Efficient display for optimal power consumption
- Up to 7 hours of talk time
Over the last five days at the park, the LG NitroTM HD has taken nice pictures and video, and displayed them for my immediate review on a screen that makes mistakes and successes obvious right away (instead of having to wait until the pictures are on a bigger laptop screen).
Most importantly, I’ve been able to use it as a smartphone, camera, or video recorder throughout the day for anywhere between 8 and 11 hours. Those are pretty full days at Disneyland, and we were busy.
We’d have been lost without the Nitro.
And a good navigator.
(What makes LG Nitro’s True HD IPS Display so amazing? 16:9 Aspect ratio for widescreen entertainment, sharper, crisper images, amazingly accurate colors and more. Exclusively available on AT&T’s 4G LTE network. Find out more at www.NitrobyLG.com.)