Adam Avitable is best-known for being an asshole in public and a humanitarian in private. He has friends in spite of himself. We get along well. I apologize in advance for what’s about to happen. Hey there, Backpacking Dad fans. I’m Avitable, aka the guy who shows his nuts on the Internet. I’m recently divorced…
Category: Guest Posts
Guest Post from Meghann: The One Where I Had a Clump of Grass in My Nose
Meghann is a Twitter friend who writes a blog called Midget Invasion. She thinks it’s funny that she didn’t get the midgetinvasion.blogspot address. She also thought I would never post this, but even a post about nose-grass is better than 95% of the content on here, so she’s classing up the joint. In high school,…
Guest Post from Peter: What’s It Going to Take?
Peter writes The Carey Adventures and takes amazing photographs. This is him being a dad blogger. She is on the back step of the catamaran, snorkel in her mouth, dive mask on and life vest firmly strapped to her chest. But my eight year old daughter wouldn’t budge. This is one of the reasons we…