So, I did it. I said “to hell with ‘friends’, I only want ‘fans’, I’m only going to use Facebook to broadcast, not discover.” I began the process of converting my Facebook profile, formerly at the vanity URL, or “username”, into a Facebook Page. It was not painless. There were some reports that Facebook…
Category: Reviews
Backpacking Dad’s Overdue Reviews: I’m not the kind of guy who can pull off “stubble”
I sport the Mighty Goatee. I’ve done so off and on since May of 1996, which means I’ve had basically the same look for 15 years. For most of that time I’ve kept my beard and moustache trimmed with a comb and a pair of scissors. I tend not to spend much time on it,…
Backpacking Dad’s Overdue Reviews: Does it smell funny in here?
I drive the vehicle with the car seats. With one kid still in diapers, and the other still a bit….reckless….about how she deals with consumables, the vehicle can end up with a scent that, I believe, can take on a life of its own and follow us around after we’ve exited the car. Car seat…